March 26, 2010

Free Photo Canvas: Great Gift!

Do you have a favorite picture of you and your sweetie?
Or maybe you have a picture of beautiful scenery you enjoyed on one of your dates?

Turn that photo into a piece of art for your honey for $14.95!

The Canvas People are offering a FREE 8x10 photo canvas (you pay only the $14.95 shipping costs)! The canvas usually costs $55.

Visit the Canvas People to begin creating your gift!

Thank you, The Frugal Girls, for this great gift idea!
Frugal Girls!


  1. Hey, found you on follow me fridays! I love all your cheap date ideas. If only I had time to try the easter egg one. I miss those days!

  2. Thank you! I'm following you now, too!


Thanks for the comment love! <3 Rebecca!