April 29, 2010

Borders 40% off coupon

Borders has a printable coupon for 40% off one book.  Get your coupon hereIt expires 5/1. *You must have a Borders Rewards Membership. There is also a promo code for online ordering on the coupon.

Ways to use your coupon:
-Grab a book for your bookworm that you know he/she has been dying to read! Wrap it up and surprise him/her by leaving it somewhere unexpected (like in the car or desk chair)!


-Make it a date!  Get two coupons, go to the store and then split up.  Separately purchase books that you think your significant other will enjoy.  Then go to a nearby park (with a picnic blanket and snack) and start reading!

Thanks, MoJo Savings!

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Thanks for the comment love! <3 Rebecca!